Friday, February 7, 2020

Is the work performance of registered nurses who are actively engaged Research Proposal

Is the work performance of registered nurses who are actively engaged in the leading and managing of their techs (certified nurses assistant) better than those nurses who are partially involved - Research Proposal Example ing and leading other nurses in their role of taking care of patients, and other activities of importance that the institution might be engaged in; and controlling all activities of the nurses including evaluation of their performance in the nursing work as well as performance in departmental subunits. Staffing, as one of the roles of the nursing managers, includes the acquisition of staff on full time and/or part time nursing assistants who act as the ‘eyes and ears of the registered nurses/ nurse managers’. The health institutions can decide to take on board a nurse manager to take on the role of taking charge of the full time nursing assistants and have another taking charge of the part time nursing assistants. At the same time, a nurse manager might be in charge of both the full time and the part time nursing assistants. In both cases, dealing with either category of the nursing assistants has its own challenges which must be tackled differently. This business resear ch report will undertake to explain the differences in the management and performance skills for nurse managers dealing with the full time nursing assistants and those dealing with the part time nursing assistants. The areas that will be addressed by this business report include areas where nursing management is needed; the skills needed for the profession; the differences in management that results from nursing managers taking on either part time or fulltime assistant nurses; the differences in skills required in dealing with either part time or fulltime nursing assistants; and the nature of work performed by the nursing managers. The results yielded by the study conducted included; the existence of differences in management roles as well as skills in managing fulltime and part time nursing assistants; the vast health related field in which the nursing management career has importance and is utilized; and the critical worked performed by the nurse managers which resonates around ad ministration

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