Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Octopus Card System   Free Essays

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Octopus Card Systemâ â Lam Ka Chun 3035069794 The University of Hong Kong CCST9029 Cyberspace Crime: Technology and Ethics Dr. K. P. We will compose a custom paper test on The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Octopus Card Systemâ â or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Chow Ms. Chan Vivien Pui Shan Abstract This article is about the spillage of information of the Octopus card organization. In 2010 , Octopus offered the data of their customers to 6 organizations for advancement and made a benefit of 44 million Hong Kong dollars more than 4. 5 years . Taking into account the instance of Octopus case, this article will experience three section to consider it : specialized viewpoint, moral angle and legitimate perspective. It will likewise recommend achievable recommendations. The dis-genuine organization drove a spillage of individual information: Octopus Card Company Introduction of Octopus card organization According to the insights, 95% of those between the ages of 16 and 65 have an Octopus and Octopus forms more than 12 million exchanges per day. The card is acknowledged by in excess of 100 transportation specialist organizations and 160 retailers, including 7-Eleven, Starbucks, and Park Shop. It can likewise be utilized at pay telephones, photograph corners, and parking structures. This uncovers the octopus is ordinarily and broadly utilized. Additionally suggested that the spillage of individual information impacts many individuals. Specialized Issue as far as specialized Issue, Octopus card is a battery-powered contactless put away worth brilliant card utilized broadly in transportation and retail business. How might it move the cash without contact? It is on the grounds that it utilized the strategy of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). We will go into more profound of the RFID. RFID is the utilization of a remote non-contact framework that utilizations radio-recurrence electromagnetic fields to move information from a label joined to an article, for the reasons for programmed recognizable proof and following. The Octopus card requires no battery and are fueled and perused at short ranges by means of attractive fields (electromagnetic enlistment). The tag contains electronically put away data which can be perused from up to a few meters (yards) away. Dissimilar to a scanner tag, the tag shouldn't be inside view of the peruser and might be implanted in the followed object. RFID labels are additionally utilized in numerous businesses. A RFID label appended to a vehicle during creation can be utilized to keep tabs on its development through the sequential construction system. Pharmaceuticals can be followed through distribution centers. Domesticated animals and pets may have labels infused, permitting positive distinguishing proof of the creature. Moral Issue as far as the moral issue, there are a couple of focuses we might want to talk about. Right off the bat it is whether there is an excessive amount of individual data required in the customer understanding. The Octopus Company was examined concerning if the individual data required on the customer understanding was excessively. The whiner asserted that the essential data required by the plan is in reality simply name and Octopus card number. Likewise, the customer understanding was not easy to use, in light of the fact that the content was excessively little, practically incomprehensible and the entire articulation is excessively long and ungainly. In any case, then again, these days Hong Kong resident are effectively give out their data without knowing how the data will be utilized. The familiarity with insurance their own information is excessively frail. It’s consistently customers’ obligation to peruse the entire explanation regardless of how not easy to understand it is on the grounds that it ought to act naturally to ensure their own security. Lawful Issue The Octopus Card Company has really sued the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The organization gathered unreasonable individual information with the end goal of client confirmation and it neglected to find a way to guarantee that the candidates were unequivocally educated regarding the classes of people to whom the information might be moved. Additionally, the organization shared member’s individual information with outsiders for financial increases without their assent. The arrangement of information for financial increase was not explicitly expressed in the Terms and Condition. This occurrence has really featured the deficiencies of the current Ordinance as open desire in information protection raises, particularly those related to business exercises. Hence, the legislature has changed the statute in 2012 to secure information users’ right. Six information insurance standards: Principle 1 †reason and way of assortment of individual information Principle 2 †exactness and span of maintenance of individual information Principle 3 †utilization of individual information Principle 4 †security of individual information Principle 5 †data to be commonly accessible Principle 6 †access to individual information DPP1 and DPP3 are abused. Since the octopus organization sold the information of their customers, the motivation behind assortment of individual information is unique in relation to what the pubic idea about. Likewise, there is no immediate identified with octopus framework when the information is utilized. Thusly, utilization of individual information is likewise damaged. Proposal There are four recommendations which can help ensuring individual information. As a matter of first importance, because of the little thoughtfulness regarding secure their own data of the resident, the legislature ought to instruct the resident to develop ensuring individual information. Second, upgrades can be made in the security and protection frameworks of organizations to guarantee low unintended information spillage. Third, government should make the standard stricter and more clear all together not to let the organizations get away from the law. Forward, set up a division to explore among the all the organizations to check whether there is comparative issue occurred. All in all, when our own information has been spilled, it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to stop the spreading of the information. It is both, organizations, government and citizens’ duties to ensure our own information. Reference Websites: http://healthymethod. blogspot. hk/2011/06/octopus-card-outrage. html http://www. cdeclips. com/en/hongkong/fullstory. html? id=49560 http://www. octopus. com. k/octopus-for-organizations/benefits-for-your-business/en/file. html A video of RFID http://www. explania. com/en/channels/innovation/detail/what-is-rfid PDPOhttp://www. enactment. gov. hk/blis_pdf. nsf/6799165D2FEE3FA94825755E0033E532/B4DF8B4125C4214D482575EF000EC5FF/$FILE/CAP_486_e_b5. pdf Newspapers: The Standard, ‘Legco test alert in Octopus information row’ 2/8/2010 The Standard, ‘Octopus boss hush-hush as open says time to go’ 4/8/2010 Articles: Richard MacManus (2 September 2009). â€Å"Hong Kong’s Octopus Card: Utility Outweighs Privacy Concerns†. Step by step instructions to refer to The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Octopus Card Systemâ â , Papers

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